Discover how to grow your business by perfecting a personal and online business image. No matter what business you are in, if you desire business growth, you want to make it a point to join us for our FREE 90-minute telephone seminar.
Tuesday, March 31, 2009: 2 pm Eastern (11 am Pacific) OR 8 pm Eastern (5 pm Pacific)
This call is hosted by Michelle Salater, online marketing expert and owner of Michelle Salater Writing & Editorial, LLC, and Lee Heyward, style expert and owner of Charleston Style Concierge.
On this call, you will learn:
• How to create a business image that tells people you are successful and credible BEFORE you even open your mouth.
• Why your clothing AND your website might be keeping you from business growth . . . and simple, effortless steps to avoid this.
• Why your website and blog image is key to your online business success.
• What you can do RIGHT NOW to implement your desired business image.
• How to create the personal and online image you desire without spending a fortune.
For more information or to sign up for this seminar please visit:
More often than not, each piece of your brand image was created when you needed it, but not altogether in a strategic fashion. Your image may look fine, but does fine help you grow?
Eventually as you scale, your image foundation cracks, and the way your business presents itself no longer helps propel growth – costing you time and money to fix.
When you unlock your brand power, you get to pick and choose how people perceive you and your brand.
Our Image Mastery System™ takes the 5 key brand components that you already have and ties them together in a way that amplifies your results and achieves your vision.