It is amazing how easy it is to fall off of your own priority list. The farther you fall or the longer you’re not even on your own priority list, you start to believe you simply can’t have what you desire. This happens a lot with style. You might have looked one way when you were younger, but no longer see that girl in the mirror. You don’t know how to get her back so you believe she and her fun style are gone forever. Or maybe you feel self conscious because you haven’t lost those extra pounds that make you only want to wear baggy and oversized clothes. So you give up.

Then you see the woman who literally makes you stop and stare. How can she possibly look so put-together? You automatically assume a team of experts show up every morning to pick out her clothes and do her hair and makeup. If you live in the real world, and not on a movie set, this is not the case. She knows that great style comes from believing in yourself. Style isn’t just for the rich, famous, and skinny. Looking great from head to toe can be simple and easy. You have to start by believing you can have the style you desire. If you don’t believe in yourself, you’ll never see what everyone else sees in the mirror. How many reality style shows have you watched where women talk about how they couldn’t possibly wear something because of their poochy stomach or fat ankles? You’re watching the show wondering, “What poochy stomach and where are these fat ankles?” We all have our insecurities, but you have to believe and know that there are ways to camouflage your insecurities so that they aren’t the only thing you see looking back at you in the mirror. That is the first step towards having a style you love.

The word fit gets thrown around a lot in our lives. Something may not fit your lifestyle. Your last job just wasn’t a good fit. Or maybe last week you were really fit to be tied. With so many things in our lives revolving around what fits, how is it that fit gets thrown out the window when it comes to our style?
 Does it fit? That is the question you heard from your mother right before she came into the dressing room with her fit checklist. There were a series of squats, bends, and seated positions before the pants in question were deemed a good fit. Now, as an adult, you may have your own fit checklist, but does your clothing really fit?
When it comes to great style, fit is key!

Join our new super stylish Get Great Style group on Facebook. 


Do you want to always know what to wear?
Do you want to feel confident about your style?
Do you want to be able to get dressed quickly and effortlessly?
Yes! Then this group is for you.
This group is a resource for men and women who want to create a personal style that is attainable and effortless.
This group will offer:
• Style tips.
• Ideas about how to incorporate seasonal trends.
• Tools and resources to help you get great style.


You can also become a fan of Charleston Style Concierge.  Visit our fan page.



Often, if something sounds too good to be true, it probably is.  Effortless style however, sounds good, is good, and can be true.  Creating an effortless style takes some work and discipline, but the reward is a style that makes you feel confident, happy, and proud of who you are every day.


There are plenty of skeptics who don’t believe great style can truly be effortless.  Yes, it takes effort to achieve effortless style, but a little effort upfront will make your life and style much easier on a day to day basis. 


Imagine never having to try on three different outfits each morning before work.  You could sleep in 30 minutes longer!    Imagine if you didn’t have to frantically rush from store to store in search of something to wear for an unexpected social event?  Life would be easier, and getting dressed would be EFFORTLESS!


Creating an effortless style isn’t about having a lot of money or a lot of clothes.  You can create an effortless style simply by doing five things.


  1. Build a versatile wardrobe.
  2. Understand how to fit clothes to your body.
  3. Embrace your personal style.
  4. Show off your assets.
  5. Learn to accessorize.

For help developing your own effortless style contact Charleston Style Concierge.  We can help you develop your style in one hour with our Virtual Style Consultation.  Feel great every time you walk out the door.  Don’t settle for anything less.

The first step in creating a versatile wardrobe is to decide what style you desire. To put it another way, you need to figure out what you should be wearing to create the look you desire.


As you think about the style you desire, don’t worry whether or not you can pull off a particular style or outfit. Once you figure out what you like, you can find ways to wear the style of clothes so that they are appropriate for your body shape and lifestyle.


It’s impossible to create a versatile wardrobe when you have no direction or goal in mind. What you get is a closet full of clothes that you don’t want to wear and that won’t make different outfits. And clothes that still have tags on them.


We can all use a reality style check. It is very easy to end up with a style that makes you no longer feel good about yourself. The young professional whose wardrobe reflects who she was at twenty-two, not who she is at twenty-nine. The man who has lost a significant amount of weight, yet still buys baggy, unflattering clothes. Or the mother who has focused so much energy on her family that she’s forgotten herself, only to wake up one day and wonder why she is so unhappy with herself.


Whatever your situation, creating style goals is easy. Simply decide how you want to look and what you need to wear in order to create the style you desire.


Tips on how to discover your style goals:


·        Observe what people are wearing when you think to yourself, “Wow! They look great!” Do you notice a pattern in what you like? If so, you’re onto something.


·        Notice if you gravitate toward a particular style or look. Are you constantly drawn to classic sophisticate, bohemian chic, or preppy? Make note of this. 


·        Ask yourself if you want to look younger, more modern, more professional, more put together. Then ask yourself why.


·        Pretend you live in a perfect world with none of your lifestyle and body constraints. Now, how would you like to dress? 


·        Cut out images in fashion magazines to narrow down what you really like. Don’t focus on what you think you can wear. Focus on the style you like. 


Take some time to answer the above questions. Write down you answers and refer back to them as you develop a versatile wardrobe that fits your personal style.


This is an excerpt from our Style Guide: 5 Steps to a Stress-Free and Versatile Wardrobe.  To view the entire style guide for FREE logon to our website and sign up for our mailing list.  Once you have signed up for our mailing list the link will be emailed to you.  



For more  help creating style goals contact the Charleston Style Concierge.  We can help you develop a unique personal style that fits your budget and lifestyle.


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The Key to Your Powerful Brand Image

More often than not, each piece of your brand image was created when you needed it, but not altogether in a strategic fashion. Your image may look fine, but does fine help you grow?

Eventually as you scale, your image foundation cracks, and the way your business presents itself no longer helps propel growth – costing you time and money to fix.

When you unlock your brand power, you get to pick and choose how people perceive you and your brand.

Our Image Mastery System™ takes the 5 key brand components that you already have and ties them together in a way that amplifies your results and achieves your vision.

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I feel like a whole new person. I’ve been unchained from the old self. I’ve been freed to laugh and dream and smile. And I’ve become more accessible to my clients, which is the whole point.

Donna Terrell, Criminal Defense Attorney

It is hard to explain why Lee is so brilliant at what she does because it is almost like magic. She pierces through your personality and reflects who you are in what you wear. She does not just pick out great clothes – she picks an outwardly appearance that creates a comfort zone while also allowing the world to see the real you.

Nate Casey, Entrepreneur

Working with Lee has dramatically increased my revenue, not because of what I’m wearing but because of how I show up when I am dressed like my future self.

Angela Lauria, The Difference Press

When I reflect on who I was before working with Lee, I see that everything about me was a muted version of who I am today. And thanks to Lee’s incredible gift, I’m me. I now show up every single day: as the thought-leader Lee helped me dress to become (and be).

Hillary Walsh, Esq., New Frontier Immigration Law

Thank YOU! It was such a fantastic mini-class you took us through. You got everyone really into it! I can hardly believe that I actually had to cut them all off. You are a force! We are very lucky to have had the benefit of your help and we’re all better for it.

Megan Graves, Client Happiness & Team Happiness Coordinator, Upleveling Your Business

You are amazing!!!!!! I’ve been thinking about our conversation all day and this is just brilliant – you are a strategist and creative genius. Your vision completely resonates with me. I am so grateful for you, Lee.

Kelly McGrath, Esq., Kelly McGrath Law

Lee had a surprising way about her that uncovered my deeper self, my reason for being, and encoded it onto my wardrobe like a symbol—a moment-by-moment reminder of who I am, and what I’m here to do. Her brilliance crept up on me; I didn’t realize it was her behind the changes in my life until months afterwards. Now, I am able to approach everything I do from a place of power.

Jonathan Sparks, Esq. Sparks Law

Lee brings to life a vision bigger than I imagined. I’ve had the pleasure of working with her on my personal brand, photo shoot strategy, and the brand experience of events for my non-profit. Through each piece she’s helped me grow as a leader and an organization. I love having her on my team.

Alyx Porter Umphrey MD, ElevateMed

Don't Leave to Chance the Image You Have the Power to Control.

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