It’s a new year. Don’t settle, make a change.

This morning I saw this bumper sticker. Give it some thought.

“If we don’t change direction we will end up where we are going.”

Get inspirational and stylish quotes sent to you each week with Charleston Style Concierge‘s Style Solution. Sign up now.

Stop disliking the way you look in pictures and use these tricks the next time you are in front of a camera.

· Mind your feet. Position one foot in front of the other. The heel of the foot in front should align with the ball of your other foot. Swivel your hips, and turn feet slightly away from the camera, narrowing your image.

· Give a great smile. Think of something pleasant and give an authentic smile. If you place the tip of your tongue behind your front teeth as you smile, you will relax your facial muscles and avoid a double chin.

· Don’t press your arms to your body. Instead of resting your arms against your torso, slightly angle them back from your torso.

· Wear dark colors. Dark colors are always the most slimming in pictures, and bring more focus to your face.

· Set down your drink. Point your hands down around the edges of your hips to make your hips look smaller. If you are holding a drink, set it down.

People ask me all the time if the economy is hurting my business. The answer is: it’s not, and in fact, it’s just the opposite. We are busier than ever, and are showing our clients that the economy doesn’t have to impact their wadrobes negatively. Instead, we are presented with an opportunity to be more creative with what we already own.

In any economy the best place to start developing your style is in your own closet. Before heading out to buy something new, shop your closet first. Even if your closet is perfectly organized, shopping in your own closet will remind you of items you may have forgotten or haven’t worn in a while. If you are open minded and creative while looking through your wardrobe, you will discover new ways to wear old favorites.

Shopping your closet will help you create a mental inventory of what you own, and what you actually wear. Keep a notebook near your closet and make notes of the items your wardrobe is missing. Once you know what you need you can take advantage of the deep discounts retailers are offering right now.

For help determining how you can use what you already own in new and fresh ways check out our Virtual Style Consultation and Coaching Services. Charleston Style Concierge can help you develop the personal style you desire and teach you how to take advantage of the great discounts offered by retailers to gain a more versatile wardrobe.

It’s that time again. The holidays. The time of year that’s packed with parties, concerts, shopping, dinners, parades, and the list goes on. With so much on your plate, the last thing you should have to worry about is what to wear and what not to wear.
Are you sick of running out to the nearest mall at the last minute to find an outfit you’ll wear only once? Hoping people won’t remember you wore the same dress to the last party? Worried you won’t be wearing the appropriate attire?
Have fun this holiday season instead of worrying about your style.  
On Wednesday, December 3, 2008, at 8 pm ET, my friend Michelle Salater will host a free, hour-long call with me, Lee Heyward, personal stylist and owner of Charleston Style Concierge, to discuss tips on how to survive the holidays in style.
Don’t miss this call. Click here now to reserve your spot for the F*R*E*E call, Wednesday, December 3, at 8pm Eastern / 5pm Pacific.

On this call, you’ll discover . . .


  • What to wear and what not to wear to a holiday party
  • How to create a holiday wardrobe from what you already own
  • Party etiquette essentials for making a good impression 


Topic: How to Survive the Holidays with Style  


Date: Wednesday, December 3, 2008


Time: 8 pm Eastern / 5 pm Pacific



Listen Now:


If you can’t join us for the live call December 3rd, the call will be recorded, but you must register to receive the recording.  If you are new to telecalls, it is easy.  All you have to do is sign up.  You will receive an email with the phone number.  Call the number and join us for a fun hour of style tips sure to get you through the holidays in style.


If you want to stress less over what you’re wearing this holiday season, make it a point to be on this call. Don’t miss this call. Click here now to reserve your spot.
To learn more about the Charleston Style Concierge and our styling services visit us on the web at  Sign up for our newsletter for great style tips and information on future style telecalls.

The first step in creating a versatile wardrobe is to decide what style you desire. To put it another way, you need to figure out what you should be wearing to create the look you desire.


As you think about the style you desire, don’t worry whether or not you can pull off a particular style or outfit. Once you figure out what you like, you can find ways to wear the style of clothes so that they are appropriate for your body shape and lifestyle.


It’s impossible to create a versatile wardrobe when you have no direction or goal in mind. What you get is a closet full of clothes that you don’t want to wear and that won’t make different outfits. And clothes that still have tags on them.


We can all use a reality style check. It is very easy to end up with a style that makes you no longer feel good about yourself. The young professional whose wardrobe reflects who she was at twenty-two, not who she is at twenty-nine. The man who has lost a significant amount of weight, yet still buys baggy, unflattering clothes. Or the mother who has focused so much energy on her family that she’s forgotten herself, only to wake up one day and wonder why she is so unhappy with herself.


Whatever your situation, creating style goals is easy. Simply decide how you want to look and what you need to wear in order to create the style you desire.


Tips on how to discover your style goals:


·        Observe what people are wearing when you think to yourself, “Wow! They look great!” Do you notice a pattern in what you like? If so, you’re onto something.


·        Notice if you gravitate toward a particular style or look. Are you constantly drawn to classic sophisticate, bohemian chic, or preppy? Make note of this. 


·        Ask yourself if you want to look younger, more modern, more professional, more put together. Then ask yourself why.


·        Pretend you live in a perfect world with none of your lifestyle and body constraints. Now, how would you like to dress? 


·        Cut out images in fashion magazines to narrow down what you really like. Don’t focus on what you think you can wear. Focus on the style you like. 


Take some time to answer the above questions. Write down you answers and refer back to them as you develop a versatile wardrobe that fits your personal style.


This is an excerpt from our Style Guide: 5 Steps to a Stress-Free and Versatile Wardrobe.  To view the entire style guide for FREE logon to our website and sign up for our mailing list.  Once you have signed up for our mailing list the link will be emailed to you.  



For more  help creating style goals contact the Charleston Style Concierge.  We can help you develop a unique personal style that fits your budget and lifestyle.


Take the stress out of this party season and brush up on your party etiquette.  Discover what to bring, when to arrive, and other great etiquette tips from our friends at Southern Protocol, an etiquette company that believes you should always be gracious, stylish, and charming.


Is arriving fashionably late really fashionable? 


There is no such thing as fashionably late.  Guests are expected to arrive no later than 5-10 minutes after the arrival time listed on the invitation.  In most cases 15 minutes is acceptable.  If you are going to be any later than 15 minutes, you should call the host/hostess to let them know.  Don’t expect the party/dinner to wait on you. NEVER show up to a party early unless asked to do so by the host/hostess.


Should I always bring a hostess gift?


There is no real “rule” on when to or when not to take a hostess gift.  Our general thinking is that if the party/dinner is hosted by a family with whom you frequently visit no gift is required.  If it is a first time visit a small gift would be appropriate.  Consider what you know about the host/hostess when deciding on a gift.  It would be considered inappropriate to give someone who does not drink alcohol a bottle of wine, etc.  If you are completely unsure of whether or not to take a gift – you could attend the party empty handed and get a feel from the other guests actions.  If the majority of guests did bring a gift, a nice gesture would be to send flowers with a nice note of appreciation the day following the party.


How long should you stay at a party? 


The typical “rule of thumb” is that it is respectful to stay for about an hour after dinner.  The best way to know is to take clues from the people at the party/dinner.  When the other guests begin to leave, you should follow suit unless asked to do otherwise by the host/hostess.  If everyone is still at the party and the host/hostess start to drop clues about how late it is or how early their day tomorrow is going to be, don’t be afraid to be the first to go.  Hopefully the other guests will follow.


How do I know if I can bring a guest? 


You can only bring a guest if you have been told directly, either on the invitation or in person by the host/hostess that it is ok.  You need to let the host/hostess know if you are bringing a guest prior to the party.  NEVER ask the host/hostess if you can bring a guest.  This “rule” is also true with children.  If the children’s names are not on the invitation or have not been specifically invited by the host/hostess themselves – they are not invited.




Discover more etiquette tips and how to stress less about what to wear during this holiday party season, by joining my free teleclass on December 3, 2008.  My friend Michelle Salater, owner of Michelle Salater Writing & Editorial, LLC, will host a free, hour-long call with me to discuss tips on how to survive the holidays in style. The holidays are packed with parties, concerts, shopping, dinners, parades and the list goes on.  With so much on your plate, the last thing you should have to worry about is what to wear.  Sign up now!





With a different dress code on every invitation, how are you supposed to know what to wear.  Use this guide to decipher attire definitions, or when in doubt ask your host. 


1.  Black Tie indicates formal attire.  Women wear cocktail, long dresses, or dressy  evening separates.  Men wear tuxedos.


2.  Formal usually means the same as Black Tie.  Men might wear a less traditional tux and women will dress as they would for a black tie event.


3.  Black Tie Optional indicates a formal event.  Women wear cocktail, long dresses, or dressy evening separates.  Men may wear a tuxedo or a  dark suit and tie. 


4.  White Tie is the most dressy of evening wear.  Women wear long gowns.  Men wear a dinner jacket with tails and white tie, vest, and shirt.  White Tie is sometimes known as Ultra-formal. 


5.  Semi-Formal requires a cocktail or dressy dress for a woman and dark suit for a man.


6.  Business Formal is the same as semi-formal with the exception that women will often wear a dressy suit.


7.  Informal Attire calls for either semi-formal attire or a slightly less dressy version.


8.  Cocktail Attire is one of the most fun dress codes.  Women wear short, elegant dresses and men wear a dark suit.


9.  Dressy Casual is just a dressier version of casual.  For both men and women steer clear of jeans, shorts, t-shirts, and overall sloppy looks.


10.  Festive Attire usually dictates a semi-formal or informal event, and is seen around the holidays.  This is the time to add appropriate glitz and your holiday spirit.   


For more help deciding what to wear to a party, contact the Charleston Style Concierge or sign up for our monthly ezine full of great style advice.

1.  How do I know what size belt to buy?


To determine your belt size add two inches to your waist size to know what size to buy.  This will center the buckle in the belt holes and give you a proper fit.


2.  How long is my tie supposed to be?


When tying your tie, aim for the end to hit the top of your belt buckle.


3.  Are my socks supposed to match my shoes?


Your socks should match your trousers, not your shoes.  The exception to the rule is when you wear jeans, match your sock to your shoe.


4.  Do my belt and shoes have to perfectly match?


No, they do not have to be the exact same color.  They should coordinate together.  To play it safe keep your belt and the shoes roughly the same color.



5.      Is it appropriate to go sockless?



If you aren’t going to wear socks make sure you are wearing a casual shoe, such as a casual sneaker or loafer, and that the occasion warrants casual attire.



If you have a question about what to wear, contact the Charleston Style Concierge for great style advice.


I am often asked how much money is needed to buy a new wardrobe.  I believe that with a little effort you can look great on any budget.  All you need are the right tips and tricks.


1.   Make the most of what you already have.  Before you head to the mall, start by shopping in your closet.  Take a mental inventory of what you own.  Ask yourself how you can wear what you have more?  Are you breaking up your suit to wear as three different outfits?  Could the dress you bought for a special event look more casual with a simple change of accessories?  Is your closet neat and organized so you know exactly what you have and where it is?  The simple act of being more aware of what you have will help you discover the infinite possibilities your closet holds.


2.   Step out of your shopping box.  With so many retailers dedicated to our shopping pleasure, you can find anything you need at any price point.  Step outside of your usual shopping habits and hit new and different stores.  Try discount stores like TJMaxx or Marshalls.  With a little patience you can find great designer pieces for a lot less.


3.   Change up your accessories.  Accessories can completely change the look of an outfit.  Accessories are a fun way to add color, participate in a trend, or add versatility to your wardrobe.  Try on your favorite outfit and then change a layer, your shoes, or jewelry for a completely different look.


4.   Host a clothing swap party.  Swap clothing with your friends.  A clothing swap is a great way to get new wardrobe pieces and helps you create more room in your own closet.  Not to mention a clothing swap is a great excuse for a party and is an environmentally friendly activity!



5.  What’s old can once again be new.  With the help of a great tailor you can turn your old clothing into something fabulous and new.  Shorten a long frumpy skirt into a knee length wardrobe staple.  Get a great shirt just by taking in the seams for a better fit.  Modernize an old jacket just by adding belt loops and shortening the length.  A great tailor can help you turn your favorite pieces into one of a kind looks.


For more help shopping in your closet contact the Charleston Style Concierge.


This past weekend, I flew to Kentucky for a dear friend’s wedding.  I enjoy traveling and especially like the time it affords me to sit and people watch.  Airports offer some of the best and most diverse people watching.  I saw some interesting style choices and spent some time wondering how some of my fellow passengers would fair running for their gate in their ridiculously high heels.  In my experience I have found that traveling guarantees a few things.  You need some sort of shoe that you can walk in, sometimes run in, and can be removed easily at security, layered clothing that combats the often frigid air temperatures of the plane, and a great outfit that provides comfort and style throughout your journey.  There are three essential wardrobe pieces that can comfortably get you to your destination in style.


Trench Coat  A great structured jacket, like a trench coat will always give you a put together look.  It looks great over anything, covers wrinkles or stains you may have acquired along the way, and can act as a pillow, a blanket, or a layer of warmth.  No matter the climate you live in or plan to visit, there is a trench coat that can be a versatile addition to your wardrobe.


Pashmina/Wrap  Pashminas come in a million colors and fabrics.  They are handy for travel because they can serve as a blanket or a pillow during travel and function as a stylish wrap on a chilly night during your vacation.  You can also use them to wrap breakable souvenirs on your return trip.


Stylish & Comfortable Shoes  Give your feet a break and choose shoes that provide comfort and style for your travel.  Your shoes should be able to be removed and put back on easily at security and shouldn’t hinder an emergency sprint to your gate. 


For more travel tips or help with packing the right wardrobe on your next journey contact the Charleston Style Concierge.

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When you unlock your brand power, you get to pick and choose how people perceive you and your brand.

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I feel like a whole new person. I’ve been unchained from the old self. I’ve been freed to laugh and dream and smile. And I’ve become more accessible to my clients, which is the whole point.

Donna Terrell, Criminal Defense Attorney

It is hard to explain why Lee is so brilliant at what she does because it is almost like magic. She pierces through your personality and reflects who you are in what you wear. She does not just pick out great clothes – she picks an outwardly appearance that creates a comfort zone while also allowing the world to see the real you.

Nate Casey, Entrepreneur

Working with Lee has dramatically increased my revenue, not because of what I’m wearing but because of how I show up when I am dressed like my future self.

Angela Lauria, The Difference Press

When I reflect on who I was before working with Lee, I see that everything about me was a muted version of who I am today. And thanks to Lee’s incredible gift, I’m me. I now show up every single day: as the thought-leader Lee helped me dress to become (and be).

Hillary Walsh, Esq., New Frontier Immigration Law

Thank YOU! It was such a fantastic mini-class you took us through. You got everyone really into it! I can hardly believe that I actually had to cut them all off. You are a force! We are very lucky to have had the benefit of your help and we’re all better for it.

Megan Graves, Client Happiness & Team Happiness Coordinator, Upleveling Your Business

You are amazing!!!!!! I’ve been thinking about our conversation all day and this is just brilliant – you are a strategist and creative genius. Your vision completely resonates with me. I am so grateful for you, Lee.

Kelly McGrath, Esq., Kelly McGrath Law

Lee had a surprising way about her that uncovered my deeper self, my reason for being, and encoded it onto my wardrobe like a symbol—a moment-by-moment reminder of who I am, and what I’m here to do. Her brilliance crept up on me; I didn’t realize it was her behind the changes in my life until months afterwards. Now, I am able to approach everything I do from a place of power.

Jonathan Sparks, Esq. Sparks Law

Lee brings to life a vision bigger than I imagined. I’ve had the pleasure of working with her on my personal brand, photo shoot strategy, and the brand experience of events for my non-profit. Through each piece she’s helped me grow as a leader and an organization. I love having her on my team.

Alyx Porter Umphrey MD, ElevateMed

Don't Leave to Chance the Image You Have the Power to Control.

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