When I started Charleston Style Concierge, there were some who wondered what the benefit was to helping people “find style.” Being concerned about having great style seemed shallow and only relevant to people of celebrity status. In some ways, style and fashion can be vain or shallow.


But I believe that your personal style sends a message to the world about who you are and what you stand for. Every day you interact with many people, only some of whom you actually talk to. The majority of people you come into contact with are forced to form judgments about you from just your image. 55% of the image you portray comes from your appearance alone. This means what you wear and the style you create really does matter. I encourage you to take some time to think about the image you put out into the world. What does your style say about you?



5 Ways to Create a Style That Enhances Your Image


  1. You should choose clothing based on quality instead of quantity.
  2. Your personal style should send a message about who you are.
  3. You should only wear clothing that makes you feel confident.
  4. Your clothing must fit properly to portray a positive image.
  5. Your style should reflect who you are today, not who you once were.

Thursday, March 14, 2009


FREE Teleseminar:  “Get Dressed in 10 Minutes or Less”


Getting dressed can be quick and easy!


Do you stand in your closet staring at a sea of clothes feeling as if you have nothing to wear? Do you have the perfect outfit in mind but can’t find the quintessential piece in the depths of your closet?


We only wear 20% of the clothing we own. Creating a plan for both your wardrobe and closet will help you wear what you have more often, save time getting dressed, and help you spend LESS on your wardrobe. Join me and my special guest, Sean Johnson, an organizer extraordinaire, as we share these secrets with you in this FREE ONE-TIME ONLY TELESEMINAR. 

(In a hurry, click here to reserve your spot now.)


This call is hosted by Sean Johnson, organizing expert and owner of Organized Bliss, and Lee Heyward, style expert and owner of Charleston Style Concierge.


On this call, you will learn: 


·     How to wear what you already have more often.

·     What you can do to make your closet and wardrobe work for you without spending a dime.

·     How to use household items to help organize your closet.

·     How to make your wardrobe more versatile.

·     Why you always feel like you have nothing to wear.

·     How to keep unwanted pests out of your closet (and we’re not talking about the kids!).

·     Why less really is more.


For more information or to sign up for this seminar click here.


Thursday May 7th to Saturday May 9th
9:30 – 6:00

Dianaira is timeless apparel that brings convenience and comfort to women’s lives with three defining elements: color, fabric, and style.
Meet the designer, Diana Inman, and have her create an individual look just for  you.
Call to make your appointment today!

Lee Heyward, style expert and owner of Charleston Style Concierge, weighs in on the importance of dressing for success in the workplace.
Watch the segment that aired on the 7 o’clock news.

10 Habits to Make Your Image and Style Effortless

1.         Create an appearance each morning that makes you feel confident and happy.


2.         Kick laziness to the curb.


3.         Organize your closet so it works for you.


4.         Stay consistent with the image you portray. 


5.         Take care of your wardrobe. 


6.         Edit your closet.


7.         When in doubt, make it work.


8.         Get in the habit of tailoring your clothes.


9.         Don’t settle when buying wardrobe pieces. 


10.    Make an effort. Small steps have a big impact.


It is not only easy to have great style, it can be simple and effortless. For more help making your style and image simply effortless contact Charleston Style Concierge at www.charlestonstyleconcierge.com.

When you know your body type you can change the look of it just by using optical illusions.  This is the key to looking taller, shorter, thinner, etc.


Which center of the flower is bigger?  The top left, right? Wrong. They are the same size.  Even if our brain knows they are the same size, our eyes think the one on the top left is bigger.





Let’s apply this to your clothes. 


Example 1:  If your clothing is too tight you will look bigger.  If your clothing is too big you will look smaller.  This is the opposite of what you are trying to accomplish by wearing your clothes too big or too small.


Example 2: Choose a handbag that is in proportion with your size.  A handbag that is very small in proportion to your body will make you look bigger.  A bag that is huge will overpower you, making you look smaller.


Learn how to dress and flatter your body type.  Charleston Style Concierge can help you discover ways to accentuate the body part you like and down play the ones you don’t.  Contact us today.

This Spring there are many different ways you can participate in the latest trends while staying true to your personal style. I recommend trying one of the hot colors of the season. Some of these colors are already in your closet and others can be added with a budget friendly accessory.
Black & White
Black and white clothing is everywhere this season, and is probably a trend already hanging in your closet. Black and white is always sophisticated and elegant. I love how this Diane von Furstenberg dress is paired with a pop of color and a nude shoe.


Go Nude
This season choose soft flesh tones and pale earthy neutrals. When you wear pale neutrals choose shades that don’t wash out your skin tone. Stay safe with a nude colored shoe. It is a versatile addition to your shoe wardrobe and makes legs look longer.


Pop Magenta
Hot Pink or magenta is back! It is a bright and bold color that looks great with many different skin tones. If it is too bright for you in a dress, try and hot pink shoe or bag.
Try Yellow
Yellow is such a great color and is the color for spring. The most versatile way to do yellow is through your accessories, such as a handbag or shoe. Yellow can be paired with a lot of your existing wardrobe. Have fun this spring and give yellow a try.
Let Charleston Style Concierge help you develop your personal style this Spring!

Last year one of my best friends started her own Personal Improvement Plan (PIP).  She called it her “J PIP.”  Her name starts with a J, hence the J PIP.  Her Personal Improvement Plan was a vow to be the best version of herself that she could be.  Her PIP inspires her to continuously make changes in her life that give her personal growth and happiness.  A PIP can be started any time of the year, doesn’t have to be big, or cost any money.  It can be as simple as taking a little more time for yourself.  All you need is a commitment to yourself to make little improvements along the way that will bring you happiness, health, and growth. 


Part of my continuing “L PIP” is a commitment to improving my health and fitness.  I struggle to make going to the gym a non-optional daily activity.  Some days I get there, and some I don’t, but I know it is key to my happiness and health.  What’s your Personal Improvement Plan?

Do you think your image doesn’t matter?  Close your eyes and picture yourself in the produce isle of the grocery store, choosing apples.  Without any real thought you pick up one apple after the other until you find the perfect one.  Some of those apples may be bruised or old, but some of the ones you discarded simply had an image that negatively impacted you.  Lucky for us, we can be aware of our image and make changes that ensure we put our best foot forward each and every day.


No matter your profession, age, or where you are going, image always matters.  Like it or not, in our society we only get seconds to make a first impression.  In that very brief time period people make split decisions and judgments about you that are hard to undo. 


A big part of the image you portray comes from the clothing you wear.  Coco Chanel said, “Dress shabbily and they remember the dress, dress impeccably and they remember the woman.”  Wearing clothing that fits well, is age-appropriate, and shows your unique style will help you portray the image you desire.    


What is your clothing saying about you?  If you’re not sure, Charleston Style Concierge can help.  Sign up for our monthly ezine and shape up your image with FREE style tips and tricks.

As Seen In

Unleash Your BrandPower

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The Key to Your Powerful Brand Image

More often than not, each piece of your brand image was created when you needed it, but not altogether in a strategic fashion. Your image may look fine, but does fine help you grow?

Eventually as you scale, your image foundation cracks, and the way your business presents itself no longer helps propel growth – costing you time and money to fix.

When you unlock your brand power, you get to pick and choose how people perceive you and your brand.

Our Image Mastery System™ takes the 5 key brand components that you already have and ties them together in a way that amplifies your results and achieves your vision.

How much additional revenue can
you generate when you up level your image?

Find out... with our Image Edge Calculator.

I feel like a whole new person. I’ve been unchained from the old self. I’ve been freed to laugh and dream and smile. And I’ve become more accessible to my clients, which is the whole point.

Donna Terrell, Criminal Defense Attorney

It is hard to explain why Lee is so brilliant at what she does because it is almost like magic. She pierces through your personality and reflects who you are in what you wear. She does not just pick out great clothes – she picks an outwardly appearance that creates a comfort zone while also allowing the world to see the real you.

Nate Casey, Entrepreneur

Working with Lee has dramatically increased my revenue, not because of what I’m wearing but because of how I show up when I am dressed like my future self.

Angela Lauria, The Difference Press

When I reflect on who I was before working with Lee, I see that everything about me was a muted version of who I am today. And thanks to Lee’s incredible gift, I’m me. I now show up every single day: as the thought-leader Lee helped me dress to become (and be).

Hillary Walsh, Esq., New Frontier Immigration Law

Thank YOU! It was such a fantastic mini-class you took us through. You got everyone really into it! I can hardly believe that I actually had to cut them all off. You are a force! We are very lucky to have had the benefit of your help and we’re all better for it.

Megan Graves, Client Happiness & Team Happiness Coordinator, Upleveling Your Business

You are amazing!!!!!! I’ve been thinking about our conversation all day and this is just brilliant – you are a strategist and creative genius. Your vision completely resonates with me. I am so grateful for you, Lee.

Kelly McGrath, Esq., Kelly McGrath Law

Lee had a surprising way about her that uncovered my deeper self, my reason for being, and encoded it onto my wardrobe like a symbol—a moment-by-moment reminder of who I am, and what I’m here to do. Her brilliance crept up on me; I didn’t realize it was her behind the changes in my life until months afterwards. Now, I am able to approach everything I do from a place of power.

Jonathan Sparks, Esq. Sparks Law

Lee brings to life a vision bigger than I imagined. I’ve had the pleasure of working with her on my personal brand, photo shoot strategy, and the brand experience of events for my non-profit. Through each piece she’s helped me grow as a leader and an organization. I love having her on my team.

Alyx Porter Umphrey MD, ElevateMed

Don't Leave to Chance the Image You Have the Power to Control.

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