Michelle Salater, president of Sumer and my personal marketing guru, is hosting a PR class that I am attending. I’m so excited about this class that I wanted to share the info with you.


“The Secrets to Influencing Your Online Market”


This 4-week bootcamp will show you how to shift your focus, change the way you connect with prospective customers, and get results.


Here are some highlights of what we will cover during the 4-week bootcamp:

  • How to create an online PR 2.0 campaign–for no or little money–that works for your company.
  • How to project your brand message and marketing materials across various online channels, including other websites, social media sites, and blogs.
  • How to discover where your target audience is and how to join the conversation.
  • How to get the maximum exposure for your press releases by spreading your news across social media and social bookmaking sites.
  • How to find bloggers who will be your key influencers and how to nurture these relationships.
  • How to link it all together with ease and track your progress. 


Learn more about this excitng class here. See you there!

I am excited to announce that my friend and client, Michelle Salater, has been chosen as a Charleston Regional Business Journal 40 Under 40 winner. Congratulations Michelle! Check out the article taken from the Business Journal below.
Age: 32
President and owner, Sumer LLC

  • Chief visionary and chief saleswoman for a company that specializes in writing Web copy, optimized copywriting and life after Web site launch. www.WrittenBySumer.com
  • The company name, Sumer, comes from the Sumerian civilization and was chosen because it symbolizes innovation and the Old World simultaneously. Writing (cuneiform script) and systematic record-keeping were also two innovations attributed to the Sumerians.

Professional goal: To help heal the world, and capitalism, by being a conscious entrepreneur. Salater’s dream is for her company to work with countries devastated by conflict, famine or natural disasters and help rebuild communities through marketing copy that drives tourism and business back into the local economy. Salater wants to empower local communities to do for themselves and take pride in their past, present and future.
Best career advice you’ve ever been given: “Chase the dream, not the money.”
Favorite music artist or musical genre: Wayne Newton.
Favorite restaurant: Charleston Cafe in Mount Pleasant. I live for their four-cheese omelets and grits.
Posted from Charleston Regional Business Journal: http://charlestonbusiness.com/news/27346-michelle-salater-forty-under-40-winner-2009

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Unleash Your BrandPower

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The Key to Your Powerful Brand Image

More often than not, each piece of your brand image was created when you needed it, but not altogether in a strategic fashion. Your image may look fine, but does fine help you grow?

Eventually as you scale, your image foundation cracks, and the way your business presents itself no longer helps propel growth – costing you time and money to fix.

When you unlock your brand power, you get to pick and choose how people perceive you and your brand.

Our Image Mastery System™ takes the 5 key brand components that you already have and ties them together in a way that amplifies your results and achieves your vision.

How much additional revenue can
you generate when you up level your image?

Find out... with our Image Edge Calculator.

I feel like a whole new person. I’ve been unchained from the old self. I’ve been freed to laugh and dream and smile. And I’ve become more accessible to my clients, which is the whole point.

Donna Terrell, Criminal Defense Attorney

It is hard to explain why Lee is so brilliant at what she does because it is almost like magic. She pierces through your personality and reflects who you are in what you wear. She does not just pick out great clothes – she picks an outwardly appearance that creates a comfort zone while also allowing the world to see the real you.

Nate Casey, Entrepreneur

Working with Lee has dramatically increased my revenue, not because of what I’m wearing but because of how I show up when I am dressed like my future self.

Angela Lauria, The Difference Press

When I reflect on who I was before working with Lee, I see that everything about me was a muted version of who I am today. And thanks to Lee’s incredible gift, I’m me. I now show up every single day: as the thought-leader Lee helped me dress to become (and be).

Hillary Walsh, Esq., New Frontier Immigration Law

Thank YOU! It was such a fantastic mini-class you took us through. You got everyone really into it! I can hardly believe that I actually had to cut them all off. You are a force! We are very lucky to have had the benefit of your help and we’re all better for it.

Megan Graves, Client Happiness & Team Happiness Coordinator, Upleveling Your Business

You are amazing!!!!!! I’ve been thinking about our conversation all day and this is just brilliant – you are a strategist and creative genius. Your vision completely resonates with me. I am so grateful for you, Lee.

Kelly McGrath, Esq., Kelly McGrath Law

Lee had a surprising way about her that uncovered my deeper self, my reason for being, and encoded it onto my wardrobe like a symbol—a moment-by-moment reminder of who I am, and what I’m here to do. Her brilliance crept up on me; I didn’t realize it was her behind the changes in my life until months afterwards. Now, I am able to approach everything I do from a place of power.

Jonathan Sparks, Esq. Sparks Law

Lee brings to life a vision bigger than I imagined. I’ve had the pleasure of working with her on my personal brand, photo shoot strategy, and the brand experience of events for my non-profit. Through each piece she’s helped me grow as a leader and an organization. I love having her on my team.

Alyx Porter Umphrey MD, ElevateMed

Don't Leave to Chance the Image You Have the Power to Control.

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