“Dress Your HOME to Reflect Your Personality and Style”


FREE 60-minute teleseminar


Tuesday, July 14, 2009, at 2 pm Eastern

(Sign up today!)


Discover how you can live in both comfort and style. If you want affordable design solutions that help you live and feel better within your home, please join us for this exciting teleseminar.


So, if you want to redesign your entire house, or you simply want to feel more at home, you won’t want to miss this teleseminar as I interview my good friend and expert interior designer Ada Gonzalez.


Ada Gonzalez is an expert interior decorator, author, and creative director of Ada’s Interior Design. She helps people all over the United States discover how to feel great within their homes –without having to spend a lot of money. Her designs use clients’ current furniture  and / or new furniture with a big splash of STYLE!


In a hurry, click here to sign up.

We’re offering a free teleseminar on Tuesday, July 14, at 2 pm Eastern (11 am Pacific).

On this call, you will discover . . .


  • The most important elements for adding beauty to a room.
  • The best way to find your personalized design style.
  • The importance of adding personality and style to any room.
  • The four easy ways you can glamorously dress your walls.
  • The fabulous way to dress your windows in style.

Why waste time painting walls the wrong color or buying throw pillows that lack style? Sign up today!

There’s no charge for this call. The call will be recorded, but if you don’t register, you’ll never hear it. Just enter your information in the boxes below to receive the complete call details via email. See you there!

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